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Summit After-School Programs Spring 2018

at Union Elementary School

Join the Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture for Session 4 of our after-school music classes at Union Elementary.

 We will be offering World Music Chorus, and 2 levels of Ukulele classes!

Contact: After-School Programs Coordinator, Dana Robinson, with questions and inquiries. 

E-mail:   / Phone: 802-793-3016


To register:

  1. Fill out online registration form (below).

  2. Pay online via PayPal OR send a check to: Summit School, 46 Barre St. #5, Montpelier, VT 05602

Heidi Wilson's Ukulele classes at Union Elementary
Watch this lovely video of John Harrison's Union Elementary World Music Chorus sing "La Brunedda," during the end-of-session "Sharing" performance - Dec. 2016.


World Music Chorus with
John Harrison (All Grades)

11 Tuesdays - Mar. 13th - May. 29th

3:40-4:30pm | Cost - $165


Ukulele with Heidi Wilson

(2nd - 4th Grades)

11 Tuesdays - Mar. 13th - May. 29th

2:50-3:30pm | Cost - $165


Ukulele with Teddy Pi 

(K - 2nd Grades)

11 Tuesdays - Mar. 13th - May 29th

2:50-3:30pm | Cost - $165

Refund and Payment Policies:


  • After the first week of after-school programming, no refunds will be provided. 

  • Cancellation the week before the program begins results in a refund of ½ the tuition.

  • If school is cancelled we cannot make up the class, but if your child subsequently signs up for another class with the same teacher, we can provide a credit for one cancellation.

  • No refunds or make-up classes offered for student absences due to illness or family emergency.

  •  Scholarships are offered for low-income students, when funding is available.

  • Payment plans available. Please check with our coordinator -


JOHN HARRISON is a choral director, workshop leader, and composer. In his compositions and teaching he strives to combine the great American traditions of gospel, jazz, blues, rock, and country music to create a unique choral music that is rhythmically sung and rich with story. He directs the Montpelier Community Gospel Choir; He directs Rock City!, Barre's rock & soul chorus; and he leads camp sessions for Village Harmony and Turtle Dove Harmony. He brings to all his teaching a deep love for choral singing and its power to create community, as well as a lot of humor. He lives in Plainfield, VT with his wife Scottie.


HEIDI WILSON is a singer songwriter with a passion for sharing original compositions and folk songs inspired by and in service to community and the natural world; songs that celebrate the seasons, offer thanks and praise, lull babies to sleep, muster courage, and make room for healing. She has been leading a cappella singing groups for the last ten years. Heidi leads the Plainfield Community Sing, teaches kid’s folk singing courses at the Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture, co-directs the Ollabelles, and is an instructor for Village Harmony.

TEDDY  PIETRZAK   has worked and played with youth and adolescents for over a dozen years, often musically in some way or another. He currently works with youth during the school-year at a nature awareness school, harmonica or uke in hand, and also works with kids at summer camps, and with teens at rite-of-passage retreats. Teddy loves playing ukulele and writing and singing his songs to universe and human, alike. He gladly welcomes being able to spread this musical learning fun with all who are interested.

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