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Workshops and Dance

Sunday, March 24, 2024

with Mary Wesley
and Wheezer and Squeezer
(Jeremiah McLane and Tim Cummings)

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Balfolk is a social dance event that draws on French and other European folk dance traditions, with a contemporary twist. Learn the tunes, learn the dances. For all ages in downtown Montpelier. 


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Balfolk Music Workshop

Co-led by Jeremiah and Tim. Open to all instruments (smallpipes included). The menu will likely include bourrées à 2 temps from central France, a suite de gavottes des montagnes from Brittany, and more, as time allows. The workshop will also discuss dance origins, and how best to establish grooves and accompaniment that support each dance. Attendees will then have the opportunity to play these tunes with Jeremiah and Tim for the evening dance.

3:15 pm - 5:15 pm

Balfolk Basics Dance Workshop

Mary Wesley will introduce dancers to both the core repertoire and cultural origins of this beautiful and varied dance form. We'll become familiar with common Balfolk dances such as the chapelloise, mazurka, scottish, rondeau en chaîne, an dro and cercle circassien so you can enjoy them with less teaching at the evening dance. We'll also take a special look at the bourrée à 2 temps from the Massif central region of France and suite de gavottes des montagnes from Brittany, to connect with the musicians who will be learning tunes for those dances earlier in the day. 

5:15 pm - 6:30 pm

Dinner–on your own. Event attendees can get coupons for 10% off their orders at The Skinny Pancake next door!

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Balfolk dance with Wheezer and Squeezer, dances called by Mary Wesley. 

Partner dances, group dances, snakey chain dances– all are fun and easy to learn, especially when the music is so varied and entrancing!


Single workshop

1 Workshop + dance

Package (both workshops + dance)

Dance only






Low wage/student




$10 suggested donation

Balfolk form Becky Rabin_edited.png
Volunteer wanted! Free admission to workshops and dance in exchange for assistance with setup and cleanup. Click here to inquire: 

All events take place at the Bethany Church, 115 Main St, Montpelier

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